Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dangerous Sidewalks

I know that mopeds are a little intense in Roma. They are always trying to get where they need to go as fast as they can, which is understandable. However, some moped drivers take it to new levels. Today I was walking on a few back alleys on my way home. There are always mopeds zipping up and down these which is fine because they are roads. However, when I was walking on what was CLEARLY a sidewalk running alongside of V. Arenula, I just happened to turn around and look behind me. Just as a turned around, a moped was zooming up behind me, STRAIGHT FOR ME! He was using the sidewalk as a makeshift on-ramp to the main road! I understand that driving is a little different here, but really.. isn't that pedestrian endangerment or something?

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