Thursday, May 15, 2008

Welcome to my Blog : )

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my official Rome blog! Just to let you know what this blog is, it's a class assignment and a personal documentation of my trip all rolled into one. A few times a week, I will be posting on this blog about the different things I am experiencing around Rome. If I go to a specific historic site, if I eat at an interesting restaurant, if I get lost in the city.. all of it will show up here!

Also, there will be classroom-oriented postings. The actual assignment is to pick three different ideas (places, themes, etc..) and post about each idea twice a week. This means that some of my postings may seem a little obsessive about a certain idea. That's only because I'm trying to fulfill the assignment.

With that in mind, I've already decided on at least one theme that I want to cover: the police. When I first got to Rome, one of the first things that I noticed was that there were police EVERYWHERE. Not like sirens blaring chasing bad guys.. just like hanging out on the street directing traffic. Also, there are booths set up all around the city that have posted police officers in them. I'm not exactly sure what these are for, but I think they are there to give out information or just to help people when they need it. I'm going to try and get some pictures of the booths as soon as possible. Also, I need to learn how to ask "May I take your picture" in Italian.. don't want to get arrested!

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